Surviving the 4th Trimester During the Holidays
Everything you've heard about having a newborn is true... times a million! It's simultaneously rewarding and exhausting. It's especially tiring when you're a first time Mom and surviving the holidays with a brand new baby.
Since Hollyn was born in late October, I had to do all christmas shopping, decorating, baking and celebrating with extra patience and little sleep. Speaking from my personal experience, I've listed some tips for surviving the holidays with a newborn I had to learn the hard way:
Since Hollyn was born in late October, I had to do all christmas shopping, decorating, baking and celebrating with extra patience and little sleep. Speaking from my personal experience, I've listed some tips for surviving the holidays with a newborn I had to learn the hard way:
- Start brainstorming Christmas gift ideas in October (most stores have sales right after Halloween).
- Take advantage of Target's pickup option or delivery with $25 purchase (you know you're going to spend more than $25) for household items and/or gifts.
- Decorate for holidays while your babe is sleeping (don't listen to the "sleep when the baby sleeps" advice. It never works, you're even more tired and nothing is done when you do).
- Do a harvest decor theme instead of Halloween so that you don't have to re-decorate or clean up Halloween decor too soon (you can keep it up through Thanksgiving).
- Take Santa pictures before Thanksgiving to avoid lines and public tantrums by your littles.
- Do all of your shopping no later than the first two weeks of December to avoid delayed packages (even Prime).
- Tell family and friends you cannot come over if anyone has the sniffles, cough or a cold. The moment you ask if anyone is "sick", they'll say they aren't sick. BUT, if you ask if anyone is sneezing, has the sniffles or is coughing, they're more likely to say, "it's just a cough." Then they are definitely sick and you want your baby to avoid them. BTW a cough is still sick!
- If your on the West Coast, celebrate NYE East Coast time. Then your babe won’t be up past 9:30pm bedtime.
- Don’t be surprised if people who made promises during pregnancy change or do not do them at all (ie. availability to babysit, coming over to help clean or hold the baby, etc). Several promises made to me while pregnant have fallen through with family and friends. I’ve learned it’s best to rely on no one and have come to understand that people will help with what’s convenient for them, not you. Sounds harsh, but I warned you.
- If your baby has colic, please know that crying is inevitable. It will happen every single day for months. Learn to accept the cry and that there is nothing in your power that you can do other than try to comfort and rock them to sleep (which may last 2-3hrs).
- Lastly, YOU are the perfect Mom for your baby! And NO ONE knows your baby better than YOU! Not even your husband or partner. They may think they do, but they don’t. They are not the ones at home with them 24hrs a day, feeding them, bathing them, clothing them, changing them, napping with them, showering with them, pooping with them... YOU are!! And don’t ever let anyone tell you any different, because they will! You’ll start hearing the comments about how when they raised their kids, they did this. Or when they babysat children for 20 years, they did that. Take advice with a grain of salt and use your best judgment. You’ll land on your feet. 😉
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